Right of withdrawal

You are entitled to cancel your offer to conclude a contract within 14 days, with no necessity to state reasons, in text form (e.g. by letter or e-mail), or – if the good is handed over to you before the expiry of the period – also by returning the good. This period starts on receipt of these instructions in text form, but not until the receipt of the good by the recipient and not until the performance of our obligations to inform according to Article 246 Paragraph 2 in connection with Paragraph 1 Clause 1 and Clause 2 EGBGB and our obligations according to Paragraph 312g Clause 1 Sentence 1 BGB in connection with Article 246 Paragraph 3 EGBGB. The on-time dispatch of the cancellation or good respectively will do to comply with the period for cancellation. The cancellation has to be addressed to (Address where also court documents can be served to): Sport Import GmbH, Industriestrasse 39, 26188 Edewecht, Germany, E-mail: info@sportimport.de, Phone: +49 (0) 4405 / 9280-0
Consequences of cancellation

In case of a valid cancellation, the bilaterally received performances have to be returned, as are any possible benefits (e.g. interest). If you are not able to return or hand over the performance and uses (e.g. compensation for use) received from Felt or not completely or only in a worsened condition, you may have to compensate Felt to this extent. Worsening of the goods and benefits made from that use only have to be compensated for if the use or the worsening of the goods are a result of using the goods to an extend which goes beyond the check of the features or function. Checking the features or function equates to the tests and checks of the corresponding goods which would be common and possible to be made in a shop, for example.

Goods that can be sent as a parcel have to be returned at our risk. You have to bear the regular cost of the return, if the good supplied is in conformity with the ordered one and if the price of the returned good does not exceed the amount of 40 EUR or, in case of a higher price, if you have not yet performed the consideration or a contractually agreed part payment at time of the cancellation. Otherwise, the return is free of charge for you. Any goods that cannot be sent as a parcel will be collected at your place. Obligations to refund payments have to be fulfilled within 30 days. For you this period starts with the dispatch of the cancellation or good respectively. For us the period starts with the receipt of the good.

Special remarks

If you finance the contract by means of a loan and you cancel the financed contract later, then you are also no longer bound by the loan contract if both contracts form an economic unit. This must be assumed in particular in those cases when we are simultaneously the lender or the lender cooperates with us to fund the loan. If we have already received the loan upon the cancellation becoming effective or the return of the good, in relation to you, your lender takes over our rights and responsibilities of the financed contract concerning the legal consequences of the cancellation or the return of the good. The latter will not apply if the contract concerns the acquisition of financial instruments (e.g. stocks, foreign exchange or derivatives). To avoid a contractual obligation as extensively as possible, make use of your right to cancel and also cancel your loan contract, if you are entitled to cancel that loan contract.


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