Sport Import strengthens sales force for Austria

Sport Import strengthens for the Austrian market. Sergej Kaučevič will be looking after the customers of the distributor from Edewecht in the zip code areas 10…-12…, 23…-27…, 70…-75… as well as 80…-86… with immediate effect. Alongside Martin Hohenberger, he is already the second field sales representative for Austria. Together with Torsten Büscher and Hans-Jürgen Knurbein in back office, the team for Austria thus consists of a total of four people.

For Sport Import, the growth in personnel is a further step on the mission of Europeanization. And it is essential in order to be able to cover the Austrian market in the best possible way: “Austria is a highly exciting market for us and our brands, which we want to pay attention to in the same way as we do in our German home market. Our many years of steady positive development have shown that we would be well advised to strengthen ourselves further in this regard. In this way, we can best serve our local customers – Sergej is also well established in the bike industry and brings extensive know-how to the table,” reports Andreas Mehmcke, Sales Manager at Sport Import GmbH. In addition to southeastern Austria, Kaučevič is already on the road for Sport Import in Slovenia and Croatia.

The Sport Import team can be reached by Austrian dealers at +43 (0)800 801 870 or email


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